Q: This is site exclusively for Intersexed people?
A: Short answer no. This is an info sharing site.
This info can be about Intersexuality or anything related to the GLBTI community.

Q: Is this a group that meets up?
A: Right now this Org is restarting so, at the moment, no.
However we are working toward starting a meet up group.
The groups is called "Copperless" (as in no money).
You can download a pdf flyer here for more info.

"Copperless (as in penny less), is an adult (as in grown ups, not perverts) meet up group for Intersexed, Trans,
GLBTI (or friendly) people and Sci-Fi enthusiasts (nerds are people too) that are flat broke!"


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None of the applications,  services or the like,  recommended here,  paid for advertising.
We recommended them because we use & believe in them.

Site Updated Wednesday 04 June 2014
Portable Device version of this site coming soon.